Saturday, July 16, 2011


 Yes, cooking I believe should be a whim and the best part is that sometimes that whim of indulgence lies right at the fingertips, not even needing to touch a pan.

An old family picture, including grandma Charlotte, and is one of the greatest treasures of indulgence and joy I've ever seen.
This morning although I should be outside hard at work, I am sitting here in a divine moment of simplicity. A nice tender roll with a sinful layer of creamy butter spread in the center. And between each moment, a sip of coffee. Lottie is up taking a nap and the only sounds in the house are of Troy's hammer pounding on the walls and the clock ticking. Until he notices that I am nowhere to be found, I will enjoy these moments that are mine and mine alone.

And perhaps most of the joy lies in where butter on the lips can take the mind. I keep escaping to glimpses of our honeymoon in Europe where each morning included a hard roll or croissant and of course butter. Lots of butter.

And as a child enjoying a peanut butter sandwich with my great-grandma Charlotte. She was my own personal Julia Child and her peanut butter sandwiches were the best, and I'm sure Julia would have enjoyed them as well. In a bowl, she would keep a mixture of peanut butter stirred with honey. It was a silky bliss. Later, Jiff or Smucker's would figure that out for themselves and jar and sell the mixture pre-combined. And altough I haven't tried it, I would imagine that it wouldn't compare, as hers had a little bit of her heart mixed in with it as well. Then she would spread the peanut butter-honey on buttered slices of bread. I can still remember that sandwich just like it was yesterday.

Well, my coffee cup is empty and my roll is reduced to just a crumb. Thank you for sharing in my moment. And may today you find an indulgence that lets you escape for that wonderful moment that is ever so refreshing for the mind and soul.

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