Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hungarian Goulash

After our first trip to Budapest last summer, I spent some time in the kitchen with my mom preparing goulash. It was delightful to have a stew simmering that brought back childhood memories for her of times with her grandma. A bowl of goulash will surely provide an appreciation for those rainy or snow-filled days.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Kasha Porridge with Rhubarb Sauce

One of my new favorite discoveries here in Poland is kasha. The grocery story has an entire section of the grain and you can choose between several levels of grinds depending on what you may be using it for. In the States you can find it labeled as buckwheat groats. It has replaced oatmeal in my kitchen... Although the recipe sounds like several steps, please don't hesitate. It is really quite simple!

Kasha Porridge with Rhubarb Sauce